Physical Sciences Oct. 2017 (72 aH)


    September-October 2017 (72aH*)






  • A selection of articles related to Physical Sciences for September & October 2017 (72aH*)


    For the first time, gravity waves observed in Europe…

    For the first time gravity waves have been observed in Europe jointly with two American observatories. The waves propagated during 1.8 billion years and result from the fusion of two black holes 25 and 31 times heavier than our sun.

    With three detectors the localization of the origin of gravity waves should be much easier.



    The 21 last elements in the periodic table don’t follow the normal rules of quantum mechanics…

    The 21 last elements in the periodic table don’t follow the normal rules of quantum mechanics, their behavior conforms more to the theory of relativity. Electrons seems to be heavy and divert from the standard rule.



    Astronomers have observed for the first time a fast-rotating star…

    Astronomers have observed for the first time a fast-rotating star which emits polarized light, Regulus, one of the brightest stars at 79 light-years away. The phenomenon was predicted over 50 years ago. The star is spinning at 199 miles per second.



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      Physical sciences july-august 72ah


    (72aH*) : August 6th is the anniversary of the atomic bomb explosion on Hiroshima in 1945.
    This date represents the entrance of Humanity into the age of Revelation (Apocalypsis).
    Thus, since August 6, 2017, we are in 72 aH, (meanning 72 after Hiroshima).
    It is also an “atheist” and universal calendar to replace the existing ” monotheist”, religious and non universal calendars.