A selection of articles related to Life Sciences for September & October 2017 (72aH*)
A “wood wide web” consisting of fungi links…
A “wood wide web” consisting of fungi links the roots of around 90% of plants. Fungal networks boost the plants immune system. Plants can exchange carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen. Trees help younger trees to grow. But plants can also compete for water and light by inhibiting the growth of neighbours with chemicals transmitted through the fungal network.
Switching off a gene can halts the development of a human embryo…
Switching off a gene called OCT4 by using the gene-editing technique CRISPR-cas9 halts the development of a human embryo, the blastocyst, when the cells begin to separate and specialize. The role of the gene is different in human embryos and in mice, highlighting the need for human research.Stimulation of the vagus nerve re-establishes a minimal state of consciousness…
Stimulation of the vagus nerve re-establishes a minimal state of consciousness in a non-responding waking patient. He moves his eyes, turns his head or drops a tear on certain stimulations but communication remains impossible and the durability of this state is not assured.
Melanome, the worst form of skin cancer…
Melanome, the worst form of skin cancer, is generated by the cells which produce pigments, the mature melanocytes. Abnormal cell division of these melanocytes could contaminate the upper layers of the epidermis and make disease progress, melanocytes becoming cancer cells.
Grain of dust implanted in the skin allows by emission of ultrasound…
Grain of dust implanted in the skin allows by emission of ultrasound then by backscattering to record the electrical signals internal to the body. Ultimately, these miniature implants will allow the telemetry of nerves, organs, muscles, etc.
A new gene therapy to improve deficiant vision…
A new FDA-approved gene therapy allows visually impaired people with congenital amaurosis to improve their vision rather than seeing fuzzy forms or worse to lose their sight gradually. It could have wider applications.
Read Also :
(72aH*) : August 6th is the anniversary of the atomic bomb explosion on Hiroshima in 1945.
This date represents the entrance of Humanity into the age of Revelation (Apocalypsis).
Thus, since August 6, 2017, we are in 72 aH, (meanning 72 after Hiroshima).
It is also an “atheist” and universal calendar to replace the existing ” monotheist”, religious and non universal calendars.
September-October 2017 (72aH*)