New Technologies October 2024

    Articles on microscopes, activating neurones, slowing down light…





  • A microscope to observe electron movements

    A microscope developed by researchers can image phenomena lasting one attosecond (1 billionth of a billionth of a second). They were able to observe electron movements that would have been elusive to any other optical ­device.



    Magnetic fields and nanoparticles to activate specific neurons

    A new technology called Nano-MIND (Magnetogenetic Interface for NeuroDynamics) uses magnetic fields combined with magnetized nanoparticles to selectively activate or inhibit specific neurons. Without requiring an implanted device, it can modulate complex behaviors in mice such as appetite and sociability.



    Slowing down light and quantum physics laws

    By using a cloud of cooled sodium atoms and firing laser pulses at the cloud, the light interacts with the atoms and slows down to a speed of 17 meters per second, or about 60 km/h. The scientists even managed to stop the light completely for a brief moment before releasing it. They hope to better understand the laws of quantum physics and the interactions between matter and light.



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    (79aH*) : August 6th is the anniversary of the atomic bomb explosion on Hiroshima in 1945.
    This date represents the entrance of Humanity into the age of Revelation (Apocalypsis).
    Thus, since August 6, 2024, we are in 79 aH, (meanning 79 after Hiroshima).
    It is also an “atheist” and universal calendar to replace the existing “monotheist”, religious and non universal calendars.