Laughter improves mood and health
Laughter improves mood almost immediately and lowers stress and anxiety. Physically, it lowers levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, while raising the “feel good” neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin.
It also hikes endorphins, which have pain-relieving effects.Read Also :
(77aH*) : August 6th is the anniversary of the atomic bomb explosion on Hiroshima in 1945.
This date represents the entrance of Humanity into the age of Revelation (Apocalypsis).
Thus, since August 6, 2022, we are in 77 aH, (meanning 77 after Hiroshima).
It is also an “atheist” and universal calendar to replace the existing “monotheist”, religious and non universal calendars.
Article on laughter that improves mood and health