Social sciences Dec. 2017 (72aH)


    November-December 2017 (72aH*)





  • One article related to Social sciences for November & December 2017 (72aH*)


    The affection received by a baby leaves an epigenetic signature…

    The affection received by a baby leaves an epigenetic signature, conducive to its development. Physical contact and emotional exchanges are essential for the proper development of a baby.

    After four years, those who have lacked affection show a “biological immaturity”.



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      Social sciences articles

      (72aH*) : August 6th is the anniversary of the atomic bomb explosion on Hiroshima in 1945.
      This date represents the entrance of Humanity into the age of Revelation (Apocalypsis).
      Thus, since August 6, 2017, we are in 72 aH, (meanning 72 after Hiroshima).
      It is also an “atheist” and universal calendar to replace the existing ” monotheist”, religious and non universal calendars.