A selection of articles with Maitreya’s comment for July & August 2017 (72aH*)
The smell associated with human body sweat is caused by bacteria on the skin….
The smell associated with human body sweat is caused by bacteria on the skin. Potassium alum, a natural crystal deodorant, adjusts the pH of the skin’s surface and prevents bacteria from growing. Therefore the body maintains its course of eliminating toxins through sweat and controls its temperature without odor.Maitreya’s comment :
«Soap destroys the good bacteria, particularly under your armpits. Then bad bacteria grow and the smell becomes terrible. If you wash regularly (even many times a day) with only water, you don’t destroy the natural balance.Then there’s no smell. If because of health problems or some clothes, or if you cannot access a place to wash yourself, as when you’re traveling, carry a natural alum crystal with you: it destroys all bad odors without damaging your skin balance like soap does. I use alum regularly.»
Elon Musk and 115 tech leaders demand to ban « killer robots » at the UN…
Elon Musk and 115 tech leaders demand to ban « killer robots » at the UN, similarily with the prohibition of land mines, firebombs and chemical weapons
Maitreya’s comment :
«And they are absolutely right! They should be forbidden worldwide. And if one country still uses them, the president of such a country should be prosecuted for war crimes.»
Japan officially allowed US to bring nuclear weapons to Okinawa…
Japan officially allowed US to bring nuclear weapons to Okinawa in exchange of Okinawa’s reversion to Japan in 1969.
Maitreya’s comment:
“This is official confirmation of what I have said for a very long time, thanks to the Elohim information: There are a lot of atomic bombs on Okinawa (around 100) and that makes the island a priority target in the event of conflict with China and Russia. All nuclear weapons on Okinawa must be sent back to the USA as well as all US troops stationed on Okinawa’s territory.”
Team note: You can read elohim leaks #7
Read Also :
(72aH*) : August 6th is the anniversary of the atomic bomb explosion on Hiroshima in 1945.
This date represents the entrance of Humanity into the age of Revelation (Apocalypsis).
Thus, since August 6, 2017, we are in 72 aH, (meanning 72 after Hiroshima).
It is also an “atheist” and universal calendar to replace the existing ” monotheist”, religious and non universal calendars.
July-August 2017 (72aH*)