An article related to New Technologies published in December 2018 (73aH*)
A bionic leaf splits water into its components
In a bionic leaf, solar energy splits a water molecule into oxygen and hydrogen. Bacteria turn hydrogen and carbon dioxide into liquid fuel, mainly isopropanol. The efficiency of the reaction is 10 %, compared to 1% for normal photosynthesis.
Understand the mechanisms of action of a virus
Cryo-electron microscopy captures thousands of images to understand the mechanisms of action of a virus without damaging it. Senecavirus A (SVV) attacks cancer cells leaving the other cells intact. To make it more effective, it must be modified so that it escapes the defenses of the immune system.
Any type of tissue can be engineered and transplanted without rejection
With cells reprogrammed to become induced pluripotent stem cells and a personalized hydrogel from extracellular material, any type of tissue can be engineered and transplanted without rejection of the implanted tissue. This new technology is currently engaged in regenerating spinal cord injury or infarcted heart and could later regenerate any organ.
Genetically modified twin girls born in China
Twin girls were born in China, genetically modified as embryos, using the technology CRISPR. The gene editing has disabled the gene CCR5 wich allows HIV to enter a cell.
What is “implosion fabrication” ?
The “implosion fabrication” consists of adding a liquid solution to a piece of polyacrylate which swells and then bind to fluorescein molecules thanks to a laser. The molecules act as anchors. When dehydratating the polyacrylate with acid, the material attached to the polyacrylate shrinks in a thousands of its original size.
New metamaterial made of nanotiges modifies the color it returns
A new metamaterial made of nanotiges modifies the color it returns when we change the electric current applied to it. This could significantly improve communication networks and computing.
Immune cells are unlike others
Immune cells are unlike others because they are not rejected. New treatment will begin next year to fight cancer by transplanting immune cells from strangers. “Immune banks” could be established to store disease-fighting cells.
Read Also :
(73aH*) : August 6th is the anniversary of the atomic bomb explosion on Hiroshima in 1945.
This date represents the entrance of Humanity into the age of Revelation (Apocalypsis).
Thus, since August 6, 2017, we are in 73 aH, (meanning 73 after Hiroshima).
It is also an “atheist” and universal calendar to replace the existing ” monotheist”, religious and non universal calendars.